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Open Date | 12/26/2018 |
Filed Sub Bids Close Date |
01/31/2019 11:00 AM |
General Bid Close Date |
01/31/2019 12:00 PM |
Bid Description | The City of Worcester (“Owner”) is seeking the services of a qualified “Designer” within the meaning of M.G.L. Chapter 7C, Section 44 to provide professional design and construction administration services for the Doherty Memorial High School in Worcester, Massachusetts. Selection of a Designer will be made by the Designer Selection Panel of the Massachusetts School Building Authority (“MSBA”) in accordance with the MSBA’s Designer Selection Procedures. The Owner is seeking design services to conduct a Feasibility Study which will include the development and evaluation of potential alternative solutions and continue through the Schematic Design Phase of the preferred alternative initially. Subject to the approval of a Project by the MSBA and further subject to adequate funding authorized by the Owner, the contract between the Owner and the Designer may be amended to include continued designer services through design development, construction contract documents, bidding, award of construction contract(s), construction administration, final closeout and warranty period of the potential Project. A potential Project may include a renovation of the existing school, a renovation of and addition to the existing school and/or new construction. Informational Meeting Sign-In sheet attached
The solicitation package (Request for Services) will be available on Dcecmber 26, 2018 at: http://bids.worcesterma.gov/. You MUST register on the website to obtain the RFSand to ensure receipt of any addenda
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