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Open Date | 10/25/2021 | |||||||
Filed Sub Bids Close Date |
11/18/2021 11:00 AM | |||||||
General Bid Close Date |
11/18/2021 11:00 AM | |||||||
Bid Description | BID RESULTS ATTATCHED Request for Proposals - Underground Waterproofing - Doherty Memorial High School The project scope generally includes: Replacement 1670 student High School, constructed adjacent to the existing high school. The project scope generally consists of constructing a new 424,600+ SF building including classrooms, administrative office areas, Media Center, Gymnasium, Cafeteria, Auditorium, Kitchen/Serving, and a 45,574-sf parking garage. The new building is multi-story (on five main levels, one grade floor); fireproofed steel-framed; masonry veneer, fiber cement and metal panel; with single-ply membrane roofing, aluminum windows, and with all associated work including site work, architectural, food service, structural, fire suppression, plumbing, HVAC, electrical, and voice/data/ communications work. Site work generally includes earthwork, utilities, paving, playgrounds, lawns, plantings, site improvements and other items as indicated in the drawings and specifications. The project is a Chapter 149A Project. Work is a phased project with early bidding and early construction consisting of enabling site work at the existing school to add parking, access and separation of the existing site from the construction site; followed by early sitework, structural (concrete and steel) bid; general bidding, construction and occupancy of the school building; followed by the parking lot construction; and lastly the sports field construction. Refer to the detailed schedule and phasing plan published herein. Pre-Qualified Trade Sub-Bids required. Pre-Qualified Trade Bidders are as follows: UNDERGROUND WATERPROOFING PRE-QUALIFIED BIDDERS:
Please note each firm MUST BE PREQUALIFIED to submit a bid. |
Bid Documents |
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Addenda #2
Please note Addenda #1 is located in Appendix iten K
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