Open Date | 02/07/2019 |
Filed Sub Bids Close Date |
03/13/2019 11:00 AM |
General Bid Close Date |
03/13/2019 11:00 AM |
Bid Description | The project scope generally includes: Replacement 1420 student High School, constructed behind the existing high school. Work is a phased project; the enabling site work has been completed from summer of 2018 to November 2018. Early sitework and structural (concrete and steel) bid packages have been or will soon be awarded. The project scope generally consists of constructing a new 360,000+ SF building which includes Classrooms, Administrative office areas, Media Center, Gymnasium, Cafeteria, Auditorium, Auto/Diesel Shop, Pre-K Early Childhood Education, Day Care, Kitchen/Serving, Culinary Arts and other associated educational and support spaces. The new building is multi-story (on four main levels); steel-framed; masonry veneer, fiber cement and metal panel; with single-ply membrane roofing, aluminum windows, and with all associated work including site work, architectural, food service, structural, fire suppression, plumbing, HVAC, electrical, and voice/data/communications work. Site work generally includes earthwork, utilities, paving, playgrounds, lawns, plantings, site improvements and other items as indicated in the drawings and specifications. The project is a Chapter 149A Project; the Construction Manager is a joint venture with Fontaine Brothers Inc. and W.T. Rich. Trade Bidders have been pre-qualified for this project, bids will be received only from bidders that were notified by the City as being pre-qualified. PRE-BID CONFERENCE - The pre-bid conference will be held on Thursday, February 14, 2019 at the project site, 170 Apricot Street, beginning at 10:00 a.m. with a brief overview and tour of the construction areas. It is recommended that all Bidders attend this meeting. BID RESULTS |
Bid Documents |